Saturday, January 21, 2012

Motivational Factor

The very first day I entered the MBA classroom, I remember one of our professors showing us a video on motivation. Although, I had seen that video a thousand times on youtube, this occasion it made an impact on me. Well, blame it on the classroom environment. It inspired me, motivated me to a much greater extent than I had ever been earlier.

One thing I was clearly told. The best quality a leader or a manager should possess is his motivational ability. If a manager can motivate a person to perform a particular task, he might as well be the best in the business. Second thing I learnt was, this institute is going to motivate us big time. But whoa! Not like this!

My first semester results came a few days ago. Nope, not 6 not 7, I scored a freaking 8.0 sgpa. Are you kidding me!? Never even scored a 6 in my life and suddenly I pull out an 8 out of thin air. As ridiculously strange as it was, it was true. Somehow I managed to deal with it, without any signs of a cardiac arrest. It was not happiness that crept in, it was 50% shock and the rest excitement.

Either something had seriously gone wrong or the examiner had an extreme hand-writing fetish. But whatever it was, it did one thing good. It motivated me. Not that now I can fly in the air, but I know that I’ve got the stuff; The stuff that can make me reach heights. Now I feel like my dreams are a step closer and a little more visible. Thanks to SRM!


  1. Good one.. :-)

    Its good you are motivated, but as I told you earlier dont
    underestimate yourself, enjoy the result of your hard work and intelligence..:-) :-)

    Keep it up.. :-)

  2. I wanna see that video... Shayad it wil wrk on me also. :p
