Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Mystery Of The Broken Pin

Have you ever wondered why every classroom we enter in, shows up with a projector problem? Have you ever wondered why the projectors in every class works only for a day and then goes haywire? Have you ever wondered what's the mystery behind all the projectors going wrong? Do you think there's a ghost of a dead man haunting our class?

Well well well, meet this man! Yes, the man in the picture. This man is a LEGEND in the classic sense of the word, I tell you. A man who claims "I learn to teach, I teach to learn" is his objective. Being a good teacher, or should I say a good presenter, the man is a wee bit short on observational skills for sure.

Day 1. Enters the class holding an HCL notebook with an APPLE symbol on it. Boing!

Few days later, tries to force the projector pin into the notebook. Boing again! Wrong alignment. Two of the projector pins go crappy.

Few more day later, swaps classroom with the adjacent one. Projector works for a day. The next day, Boing! Projector gone! lol! :D

A month later, we shift to the third floor. Boing! Projector is of no further use anymore.

Now, he has swapped classroom again. All eyes on him. Let's see how long the projector survives. Although, i must tell you it's a lost cause.

Again. Sir, you're a LEGEND. Hope you realize that soon enough. :D

Friday, November 11, 2011

Old Is Not Always Gold

Thinking of the day a grumpy 75 year old professor of ours called one of our classmates a "son of a bitch"! Now, was he trying to be cool showing off his articulative skills, had he just blurted it out in the heat of the moment or he quiet didn't realize the meaning of the expression?

In any case, if he challenges us with the English vocabulary of swear words, then i urge him bring it on. We don't care how good a teacher the guy is or how elderly he is to us. We demand a little more respect!